Sunday, September 12, 2010

Response 1

This is my first response. (Yay?)

Question 4

The names of the two ships have quite different meanings; Rights of Man refers to freedom to do whatever one likes and to be safe from harm. Bellipotent means the power of war, referring to the fact that it is a warship and that it's goals are destruction and glory. Melville could be demonstration how Billy's former life could be changing from one of freedom and peace to following orders and war.

This picture show the loading of a warship, in preparation for battle. It demonstrates the change that will occur in billy's life, from one of calm to one of rush.

Question 5

I believe that this implies that while he may be a nice, good looking person, he is quite innocent and perhaps not even very clever. Also, this could mean that he is the type of person who does not use trickery or speak any meaning beyond the literal one, a straight forward person.


  1. Question 4
    Your response is good, but I think it would be better if you had expanded upon the ideas of the change. The transition between the two ships carries a significant message saying that there may be a change in Billy's life from being all friendly and family-like, to a more organized strict system on-board the Bellipotent.

    Question 5
    That explanation is valid in my opinion, but there may be an alternate explanation. Billy may just be a plain honest person that does not double-cross people.

  2. Question 4
    I liked your response and how you referenced back to the French revolution (Declaration of the Rights of Man) and also found out the meaning of Bellipotent. Although I thought that it would be better if you went more on the track of "change", for example, he changed from a young and naive sailor, to a cruel machine used for war.

    Question 5
    I think that the explanation is as good as anything I would try to put. Personally, I can't think of another to answer this question. Good job!

  3. These comments are useful. They suggest you need a little more detail. I would extend their suggestions on change to a bigger message about the changes in society as a whole from commerce/economy to war/domination.
