Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Self Respect

Self respect is an interesting and rather important issue. The idea that you can not like yourself, but sill respect yourself is queer, I had not thought about not liking myself before. I'm not sure if this is the point at which you lose innocence, as the author says. I think that there are many people who like themselves who are no longer as innocent as they wish they where or would claim. She says that you must fail at something, or be beaten at it to achieve self respect. I wonder if this is true? Can you not respect yourself for not having failed as well? I understand how failing would allow you to gain self respect, If you admire yourself for pulling through and moving on.

On another point that is brought up later in the reading, that without self respect, you are nothing. I'm not sure if I agree with this, sure your life is not very pleasant, but I think that it is possible to be happy without respecting yourself, even to some degree. I do wonder though, what would it be like to have no respect for yourself?

I'll leave it on that note.

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